Enjoy the punchy and colorful combat of action platformer Anomaly Agent!

Enjoy the punchy and colorful combat of action platformer Anomaly Agent!

Released this week, the indie action platformer "Anomaly Agent" allows players to take on the role of a funky, fresh secret agent and battle through a cyberpunk world. It's a quick, smooth, yet very methodical action that has become quite popular over the past few years.

Early players have compared Anomaly Agent to the popular action platformer Katana Zero. As of press time, Anomaly Agent has a 97% favorable rating out of 3,359 user reviews on Steam.

Anomaly Agent focuses on blending firearms and melee combat, combining weapon attacks with punches and kicks to take down opponents in style. Anomaly Weapons also allow the player to use more of the world as a battleground by playing off the enemy during combat.

Combat is balanced between attacks and acrobatic maneuvers. Rolls, slides, and jumps are important for escaping hordes of enemies or dodging enemy attacks. However, as far as I can tell, how useful such escape and evasion gameplay actually is depends greatly on how you choose to upgrade it during play.

Anomaly Agent is developed and self-published by Turkey-based Phew Phew Games. You can check out their modest website here.

Anomaly Agent is available on Steam. It is priced at $12, but there is a 20% off launch sale going on until January 31, saving $2.40.
