I already thought the new projectile weapons in "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Eldtree" were morbid, but at least one of them seems to have a near infinite range.

I already thought the new projectile weapons in "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Eldtree" were morbid, but at least one of them seems to have a near infinite range.

As fan account Elden Ring Media shared on X's "The Everything App," the new throwing weapons in "Elden Ring Shadow of the Eldestree" are cooler than expected, and the box art boss Messer's "impaler's spear" seems to have a near-infinite range, allowing for trick shots in the open world.

The Impaler's Spear has a rather sickening battle ash that replicates one of Messer's infuriating combos in a boss fight. If you charge the throw, you can also detonate a dark flame on impact.

Now, like the bows and spells in the Souls series, or other new throwing weapons like the Smithscript Daggers, you would think this weapon would have a maximum range, but as you can see from the Elden Ring Media video, it does not. Without a sighting reticle, the shot is difficult to land, but it can annihilate enemies over hills and valleys. There's also some hilarious slapstick between the time you throw the shot and the time it lands, and it's nice to see him cheekily pull out his spyglass to investigate the massacre.

Can this be practically used in the most difficult battles in Shadow of the Eldest Trees? Truly, "Shadow of the Eldestree" has some of the best weapons in FromSoft's history, and even those who don't like throwing spears will find something to their liking. PCG Online Editor Fraser Brown loves the Dryleaf Arts, but I'm a fan of the Cold Infusion and Light Greatsword Milady, which combines Wing Stance Ash of War.
