My life has completely changed in the meantime as I've been waiting for this freaky Lovecraftian point-and-click adventure to finally be released on the PC.

My life has completely changed in the meantime as I've been waiting for this freaky Lovecraftian point-and-click adventure to finally be released on the PC.

Since I first wrote about the demo for the cosmic horror adventure game "Desolatium" in January 2022, I've been hired full time at PC Gamer, got a Covid, got a dog, and traveled out of the country three times. What hasn't changed is that "Desolatium" still looks as cool as ever. This Lovecraftian (literally, set in the Cthulhu mythos) point-and-click is finally available on Steam for the $13 launch sale price. This hyper-realism, combined with grotesque gore and supernatural effects, creates a truly unique and surreal atmosphere that sets the game apart.

If you're on the fence about throwing 13 closes at Desolatium, you can still check out the demo I played in 2022. In this chapter, you play as a stranded mother in some sort of prehistoric, almost biblical city under a morbid green sky. The combination of various anachronisms, alien skies, and a primitive setting really works well with Deolatium's photo-based environment. Its ancient drama seems to have a lasting impact on the main game storyline.

The demo, on the other hand, takes place in an almost empty, sterile office building with a distinctly horrific atmosphere. The main character in the main game seems to be the classic Lovecraft protagonist. Desolatium is available for the Steam launch sale price of $13 through April 12.
