Although "Visions of Mana" does not have multiplayer, producer Masaru Oyamada hopes to implement such a feature in the future.

Although "Visions of Mana" does not have multiplayer, producer Masaru Oyamada hopes to implement such a feature in the future.

Visions of Mana is the first new entry in Square Enix's Mana series in 15 years, and with it comes some radical changes. Mana" and if there is a place for multiplayer in the future of the "Mana" series.

"When I played "Secrets of Mana," the cooperative multiplayer mode really stood out to me and left a strong impression, said Oyamada. When we proposed this game internally and were discussing what kind of game it would be, there was some discussion as to whether or not we should actually incorporate such a feature."

1993's "Secret of Mana" was the second game in the Mana series, but the first to incorporate cooperative play. Many subsequent Mana games, including the Super Nintendo versions of "Trials of Mana" and "Legends of Mana" and the Nintendo DS version of "Children of Mana," continued in this tradition.

"As development progressed internally, we began to discuss the different things that could be done in a multiplayer mode, as well as some of the challenges that a multiplayer mode would bring. Having multiple players can affect the overall design of the field and the tempo of play,"

"We're looking back on the series, and we're thinking about what we can do in the future. However, when I look back on the series and look to the future, I personally have great fondness and memories of working with my colleagues to complete and complete a single adventure. Because of those experiences, I would like to think about implementing such features in the future."

"So, if we can solve the technical problems, we will be able to allow people to experience those elements of the Mana series."

"I think it is very important to have the ability to create a series that is not only a part of the Mana series but also a part of the Mana series.

While this may make some longtime fans of Visions of Mana grumpy, the change is not without precedent. Oyamada explained that the 2020 remake of Trials of Mana (single-player only) was a major influence on Visions of Mana. In fact, Oyamada felt that his team "from the very beginning of the development phase of Trials of Mana" laid the foundation for a completely new title in the Mana series.

Koyamada stated that "there were things in 'Trials of Mana' that we wanted to do but couldn't," and whether they will appear as DLC or will be the basis for future multiplayer Mana games, if Square Enix continues to make mid-budget games We'll know eventually.
