Players unlock unreleased content in the live service Game Ultimate Hacker style: Set their system clock a few weeks ago

Players unlock unreleased content in the live service Game Ultimate Hacker style: Set their system clock a few weeks ago

In the modern gaming era, it always feels like live-service games are the perfect black box that only developers can understand or control, but sometimes something happens that shows how ad-hoc and fragile all these systems are. Case in Point: Players could access unreleased content from Genshin - adjacent gacha game Wuthering Waves by simply moving the system clock a few weeks ago.

The exploit was shared to Bilibili by user Lexiñoxiño (Lu Xiaochuan) and then brought to reddit by pisangminyakrebus. As for how to get to the unpublished one, it was really simple: you just log in to the game, put out the alt tab and set the system time forward Developer Kuro Games seems to have pre-loaded some of Wuthering Waves' upcoming content and locked the time, but it's not a central server but an end-user system clock. I have turned off the lock. Lúxiñoxiño demonstrated 1 upcoming trial stage of the gacha game character as an example of a real exploit.

However, if it is not completely gone by the time you read this, the exploit can quickly get caught in the bud. PisangMinyakRebus said that while the system time bug had already been patched on the Chinese server, users in other regions were still able to replicate it and co-author PC Gamer's own Wuthering Waves player, producer Mollie Taylor, said in an original post that a new update had already been made to the European server. She rightly tess it

So the time Warp Bonanza seems to have ended as soon as it started, but it's still a fun weird thing to see happen in this day and age. I was familiar with single-player games that can be manipulated like this: Animal Forest is probably the best known example, but you can also wait for the boss to die of old age in Metal Gear Solid 3.

This story serves as a little peek behind the curtain when live-service games are usually very opaque and proprietary, and a brand-slap- boggles my mind to see new online games get undercut by such low-rent exploits- Kuro Games has put it down. Although it seems to have been very quick by drawing with a touch.
