A third-party investigation sponsored by the tech channel found that allegations of harassment and bullying at LinusTechTips were "unproven" and "false."

A third-party investigation sponsored by the tech channel found that allegations of harassment and bullying at LinusTechTips were "unproven" and "false."

Linus Tech Tips has published a brief summary of a third-party investigation into the allegations against hardware review channel. An investigation sponsored by the channel's owner, Linus Media Group, found no evidence of wrongdoing at the company.

Linus Tech Tips was found to have been involved in controversy on May 8 last year. What began as a criticism and apology video for that review process quickly swirled into allegations of harassment and inappropriate workplace behavior from former employees. 

The same month we received a statement from LMG CEO Terren Tong confirming that the company will hire an outside investigator to investigate the allegations, as well as a pledge to publish the findings.

The channel is currently tweeting a summary of the conclusions of the third-party investigation into the claims.

Roper Greyer — a Vancouver-based law firm specializing in Labor and Employment law- found that claims of bullying and harassment were unfounded, and that claims of failure to address sexual harassment claims were false.

The tweet continued, "The concerns raised have been investigated. Further...Investigators are confident that if other concerns were raised, we would have investigated them".

In response to allegations of abuse of power and retaliatory action, Linus Tech Tips stated:

"While the parties concerned may not have agreed with our decisions or performance feedback, our actions were for legitimate work-related purposes and our business reasons were valid.

"In summary, as confirmed by the investigation, the allegations made against the team were largely unfounded, misleading and unfair.

Investigators recommended that the lmg provide further training to the team on raising concerns and strengthening existing workplace policies. LMG says it had previously asked for anonymous feedback from the team to ensure there were no further incidents of bullying or harassment.

The channel expresses its desire to move forward from the allegations and subsequent findings. But it also suggests that there is still an opportunity for the company to seek a defamation lawsuit.

"At the moment, we feel that defamation lawsuits are very strong, but our deepest desire is to simply put all of this behind us...We will continue to assess whether there is persistent reputational damage or further defamation.

The suggestion that they can pursue a defamation lawsuit, but not pursue, has received some backlash on Twitter, with some observers saying this threatening phrase

"Why did this need a threat?"One user tweeted accordingly. 

"This could have been a half-decent update," another said. "The last 2 paragraphs ruined it".

Some have also questioned the merits of the investigation paid by the accused, while others believe that the results have exonerated the channel.

We contacted a former employee for comment.
