Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert's next game is the classic Zelda Meets Diablo meets Thimble Weed Park

Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert's next game is the classic Zelda Meets Diablo meets Thimble Weed Park

Ron Gilbert, famous for his work on classic adventures such as Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, Zach McCracken, and more recently Thimble Weed Park, has stood up to something new and it looks quite different from his past work. It doesn't have a name yet, but it's described on Gilbert's terrible toy box website as "classic Zelda meets Diablo meets Thimbleweed Park."

Gilbert has been posting about his new game on Mastodon (via time extension) since early 2024, but it was barely noticed until recently. From there, he posts a few more ongoing images, along with some brief thoughts about his process.

"I've been working on it for a year or so," Gilbert told PC gamers. Like many of the early prototypes, the game is slowly transforming into what it is now. I recently hired an artist and it really got things moving. I suck at art. It's a game I always wanted to play and I got tired of waiting because I decided to build it.

He also announced last week that Elissa Black, co-founder of Objects at Space studio Flat Earth Games, joined the project as a quest designer. "This increases your chances of ending the game before you get bored and disillusioned by 37 percent," Gilbert wrote.

Despite that pessimistic note, Gilbert's new game appears to be doing well, but there are no signs of a release date at the moment."
