Warzone hackers give a new sense of overkill by stuffing rockets into assault rifles, allowing victims to learn more about how it is possible.

Warzone hackers give a new sense of overkill by stuffing rockets into assault rifles, allowing victims to learn more about how it is possible.

Demons may work hard, but Warzone hackers have proven time and time again that they work hard, especially since they have discovered a new way to bring utter chaos to the game by loading what looks like rocket ammunition into weapons.

The now deleted video, taken by bystanders, shows a sniper rifle and other guns loaded with rockets and tearing the map along with them with the competition.

Towards the end of the video, players who encounter the hack will be able to pick up a tampered sniper rifle in their hands and perform an explosive round. You can even fire it yourself and once again introduce the mess it can unleash. "I still won, but I would care if it didn't ruin the game, lol", the player says in a thread. According to the person who found this, "Even [AR]60 rounds of weapons can be affected." 

Others theorized that hackers could be using explosive rounds like what MORS gets AFTER YOU pack-punch IT. But others believe it could be a new ammunition type in a multiplayer unreleased mode called Arcade,"gun camouflage is also unreleased," someone "they're tricking donkeys."

Other players have pointed out how easy it is to access Warzone cheats. 

"The [] cheat in this clip is adjacent to a few months ago speed hack and one-hit proximity. This is something of a game file that someone has figured out how to use in [Warzone] via a hack, but it's probably not sold by a big provider."

People can't agree exactly what these hackers are using, but most are definitely scammers, and perhaps just a good few people who should be reported bring up Ricochet's flaws as an anti-cheat system: "Legitimate people get banned, but hackers don't get", says one player. Layer says. 

Most Warzone players don't love bouncing. One problem is that the software has a kernel-mode driver that allows Activision to access any bit of memory on your PC. However, scammers can be such a pain in the Warzone, so most people decided to bite the bullet and solve it. "Something about giving Activision kernel-level access to my computer does not sit with me... But at the same time, I've been killed by so many scammers who can honestly give shit at this point," said user t_hugs3, an old Su on the subject

. There is no need to deal with the chaos of 60 rounds of weapons with rockets to blow up their lobbies into a pulp filled with debris.
