Super Earth scientist "Spaghetti" in the Dark Fluid Research incident: Good News for Heldivers 2 players

Super Earth scientist "Spaghetti" in the Dark Fluid Research incident: Good News for Heldivers 2 players

Helldivers2 There's good news and bad news for players, but in this case it's basically the same thing. The bad news is that 12 super geoscientists at the dark fluid research facility were, um, "spaghetti" after the volatiles suddenly collapsed into a "micro-black hole" without warning."The good news is that this unfortunate incident convinced some players that the arrival of Illuminate, the 3rd enemy faction that never existed before in Helldivers 2, is imminent.

We talk about leaks and spoilers here, but for the record, if you want to avoid such things, stop reading it now." If you have any questions, please contact us.

We begin with the incident:

spaghettifying dark fluids are weaponized by Super-Earth scientists for use in war with the Termid, especially the Termid Supercalony on the planet Meridia: A briefing for the latest major order shows that Helldivers will be permanently able to use the Supercomputer. The company has said it will use the substance to conduct targeted strikes to end the threat posed by Ronnie."

The briefing also reveals where the dark liquid came from, and this is where things get interesting: "Dark fluid is a form of synthetic exotic material released after the First Galactic War."

The technologically advanced Illuminate, along with the original Helldivers Termid and automaton, was one of 3 enemy factions 1, but was especially lacking in Helldivers 2. As various leaks and rumors suggest, it is widely assumed that their return is not a matter of "when" but of "when" Reports of the annihilation of Illuminate at the hands of Super Earth may be exaggerated.

Some of these leaks seem to be spot-on. One reported on May 4 by gamers showed that the planet ― believed to be Meridia ― was exploding.1 The original leak has since been removed, but the same leaker also revealed that the purpose of the "dark fluid containment device" and the "dark Fluid research Station" that some players theorized was related to the creation of a black hole that would result in the destruction of the planet. That black hole is what pulls the lighting back into battle as the lines of thought go.

Meridia, as noted, just happens to be the target of a major order of the new Helldivers 2:

Another leak posted on Reddit in May contains the presence of multiple Illuminate references, most notably the Illuminate energy measurements in the region surrounding the singularity created by the "dark fluid." It's a good idea. Rather than being eradicated by the superior military power of the Super Earth, the leaked text states that humanity "generously allowed it to escape from the galaxy." Now they are back. Because why do they hate peace.

We still don't know if this new spaghetti incident marks Illuminate's imminent return, but it looks like Helldivers2 is following its path. Even without all the supporting evidence (or strange coincidences), the developer Arrowhead is clearly building something. And there's certainly a precedent for the good news to be very, very bad news: the great April1 victory at Malevelon Creek, soon followed by automaton gunships and a massive invasion of walkers, and the "Termicide" gas that leads to a final victory over the bug, actually made things a lot worse. Deploy a new super weapon that will attract the attention of another vindictive intergalactic enemy 'yeah, it fits.

We may not have to wait too long to find out. The current major order appears to be doing well: The Angel Venture is under control, Fenrir III is on the way, and in about an hour Turing will be released from 2.8% to 6.6% and once it's done, Meridia — and whatever it might bring - will be waiting.
