The age of cattle and chickens in Farming Sims is over and I'm replacing livestock with Yokai Seikyu in the story

The age of cattle and chickens in Farming Sims is over and I'm replacing livestock with Yokai Seikyu in the story

The story of Fantasy Farming Simulator Seikyu deviates from the traditional formula of breeding cows, chickens and sheep and puts you in the world of specter legends instead. Of course, you still have the perk of growing crops and collecting resources from livestock, but there's more than visible once you start exploring. From humanoid otters to sensory slime that helps around the farm, there are many quirks in what is expected to be a refreshing addition to the farming simulator space, and creatures can get stuck in order to get along. 

Our efforts in the new agricultural sector are taking place in the town of Kiyohisa. At the surface level, the place looks quite normal. It has all the charm of a stunning fantasy village filled with natural beauty and lots of nooks and crannies to explore. But when you start to look a little more closely, especially in the game's trailer, you start to notice more strange things. Kiyohisa is a strange and wonderful home, and it's our job to explore whatever we can and be friends with. 

The more creatures you encounter, the more skills and abilities you unlock along the way. So, not only are you responsible for restoring and renovating derelict farmland, but you also learn about the rich world of folklore around you, Tales of Seikyu, spilling secrets about the world, helping you on your adventure, and creating a story of depth that unfolds as you develop relationships with them. There are 30 characters with Lee lines. 

To make the exploration all the more exciting, you will also be free to scale the cliff face as soon as you soar through the sky, zip around, or nimble Dryad as you get through the magic mask, Raven Tengu with the ability to shape-shift rewarded for solving puzzles. It will be. The need for horses as a faster way to avoid maps is gone and these two skills may unlock further as we delve into Seikyu

As shown in the latest trailer released for Tales of Seikyu, we have seen only simple examples of these skills. It was a great experience. As the possibility of release approaches, we expect a spotlight on the details of these skills and possibly which other skills can be unlocked. For now, though, these modes of traversal are kana for us who are running around on foot in most of the farming simulators and running out of themselves.

But to say all that, Tales of Seikyu is now only a 2024 release window, so sadly, we're not seeing the specter. But Wie the game on Steam now to keep up to date with any future updates and trailers that expose a lot of what comes from the fascinating adventures you wait
