Skyrim" player reaches 1,000 Nazim exterminations each day until the release of "The Elder Scrolls 6" and celebrates with a Nazim-only battle royale.

Skyrim" player reaches 1,000 Nazim exterminations each day until the release of "The Elder Scrolls 6" and celebrates with a Nazim-only battle royale.

What do you do to pass the time while waiting for a new game to come out? Post on forums? Obsessively check release dates? Play another game that scratches an itch? Endlessly repeat the brutal murders in another game?

If that last one sounds familiar, you might be Sidek, a Skyrim player who kills Nazeem from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim every day until The Elder Scrolls 6 is released, then busy posting videos on YouTube. A gruesome hobby? Of course not. Maybe not. Either way, it's a great pastime."

If memory serves, Nazim is a resident of Red Guard in Whiterun who asked the player, "Do you go to the Cloud District often?" He asks, and then answers his own question, "Oh, what are you talking about, of course I don't go." Over the years, his insufferably snarky attitude has turned Nazim into Nazmy, now despised by nearly everyone in the Skyrim community and therefore a natural target for Sidec's homicidal hobby.

Since 2021, Sidek has been posting daily videos of Nazeem being killed with every conceivable weapon and spell. Not only in Whiterun, but all over the world. Some are simple, such as knocking his head off, while others are creative, such as drowning him in a lake full of suspicious "slaughter fish" with a fuslodyne.

This week marked two important Elder Scrolls milestones: first, it's been six years since the 30-second TES6 trailer debuted in 2018, the only glimpse we've had of Bethesda's next Elder Scrolls RPG. Another milestone is that Sidek has killed Nazeem 999 times as of this week, spawning a mob of Nazeem for a Nazeem-only battle royale, which we decided to celebrate by reaching video number 1,000. The carnage can be seen below.

The funniest thing about this video is that it is subtitled during the fight. Some excerpts:

and more. The final Nazeem survives the battle and charges (rather foolishly) at Sidek, who thoughtfully and magically disarms the Redguard's aggros, then summons a spectral bound bow and shoots him in the back. Nazim may have won the battle royal, but that doesn't mean he was served a chicken dinner, only a humiliating death in a long chain of nightmarish events.

If you thought Sidec might retire from the murder business after that video, you're kidding yourself. Today, Nazim's 1,001st death was posted. It was so gruesome that Nazim clipped his shoulder blade with an ancient Nordic pickaxe just after he passed by another Nazim corpse on the ground. Poor guy. I hope Bethesda releases "The Elder Scrolls 6" before Nazim dies another thousand times.
