Check out this roguelike where you take on the role of a frog on a mecha's shoulder and survive in a horde with your friends.

Check out this roguelike where you take on the role of a frog on a mecha's shoulder and survive in a horde with your friends.

Back in 2022, some indie roguelike developers boldly announced their game Shoulders of Giants with this question: "What if frogs piloted mechs?" [because they have released two games this year based on frogs riding mechs, and recently released a demo of their bullet-hell roguelike "Entropy Survivors," which lets you switch between two movesets: a gun-toting frog and a sword-wielding mech.

This is almost the entire concept of the game, which plays like a twin-stick shooter where you collect multiple character classes and weapons. That said, some of the weapons are really goofy: like the power to summon a bunch of garbage trucks, or a gun that shoots bees.

After spending some time with the demo, it started out slow, but once I began to understand the dodge-fire-dodge-attack swarms of enemies, I knew exactly how to play. There are three levels of increasing difficulty in the demo and lots of cool class perks to unlock. If you're interested in the twin-stick shooter or arcade-style horde survival genre, it's worth a look.

Entropy Survivors is also an online co-op game. It is better paced if you play with a friend, as you can reload and cover for each other to survive longer.

Entropy Survivors can be found on Steam and has a free demo. Developed by Moving Pieces Interactive, it will be released in Q2 2024; Moving Pieces' other game, Shoulders of Giants, is also due out this year.
