Sony leaked an unannounced Helldivers 2 stratagem by accidentally confusing its rocket launcher

Sony leaked an unannounced Helldivers 2 stratagem by accidentally confusing its rocket launcher

Another day, look at the unpublished Helldivers2 Stratagem in another unapproved early. But while there's no unrealistic possibility that some previous Helldivers2 leaks came from inside Arrowhead house, the first glimpse of this unreleased rocket launcher came from inside the big house that is publishing the game. Sony did it, is what I'm saying, and at first glance it doesn't make sense.

Sony delivered an apparent leak in an official marketing email, as discovered by keen-eyed Helldivers on reddit earlier this week. The email section describes a recent in-game campaign in which Helldivers chose to release Planet Penta and unlock the shiny new RL-77Airburst rocket launcher. The attached image shows Helldiver having a rocket launcher, but with a slight problem: it's a rocket launcher, but not the RL-77.

In fact, as far as Helldiver knows, it's not a rocket launcher that exists. None of our current rocket launchers are rectangular, but this is a quad-barrel situation that looks a lot like the m202 Flash, an incendiary rocket launcher you might remember in Arnold's hand at Commando.

Coincidentally, Commando is the apparent namesake for the quad-barrel mls-4X Commando, a rocket launcher strategy from the first Helldivers as well. Curious! The MLS-4X didn't have the incendiary of real-world inspiration, but I want a theoretical successor to helldivers2. The long-range incendiary launcher will be a fun niche to fill the stratagem toolkit.

Did Sony simply get it?Either the png files are mixed up or Arrowhead has reached the point of sneaking the publisher's PR wing into a psychological battle of scheming previews. But given that mechs have jumped from Helldivers to Helldivers2, there's a precedent for Helldivers wanting their own commando moments. If the enemy faction finally decides to make its own reproduction, the extra firepower will not harm.
