Killer Coy and Nightmare Spiders Coming to Grounded Next Update

Killer Coy and Nightmare Spiders Coming to Grounded Next Update

Grounded, a survival game about tiny humans versus giant bugs, launched in Early Access in July (much to the displeasure of many at PC Gamer), and since then, a steady stream of new creatures and equipment, as well as more practical additions such as minor tweaks and language localization Updates have continued. And now we have learned that the upcoming November update will include a major overhaul of the koi pond.

Players who venture into its previously unknown depths run the risk of incurring the wrath of the carp. However, one-on-one combat with this monster will allow the player to harvest its scales, which will be transformed into a fascinating new armor type.

The update also adds a new antagonist, the diving bell spider. In addition, the water flea, which was added in the August update and was previously completely indifferent to your presence, has become hostile in this new environment. On the plus side, you also encounter two new passive creatures: tadpoles and water boatmen. They don't try to kill you in the least, but describing them as your friends may be a bit of an exaggeration.

The good news for those who can't stand certain eight-legged creepy creatures is that the game's arachnophobia safe mode (a nifty feature that's been around since launch) also works its magic on diving bell spiders. Ichthyophobes don't seem to fare much better, and there are no plans to introduce a mode that turns that dreaded whale-sized carp into something less threatening.

"Grounded" is published by Xbox Game Studios, but a PC version is also available and can be purchased directly from the Microsoft Store or from Steam, or included in the Xbox Game Pass for PC. It is currently priced at £25/$30, but is in Early Access/game preview, so the price will likely increase as more features are added.
