Outer Worlds will be available on Steam on October 23.

Outer Worlds will be available on Steam on October 23.

Obsidian's light-hearted corporate satire and Firefly-esque space cowboy adventure RPG, The Outer Worlds, was released last year on the Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store; its 12-month exclusivity expires on October 23 on It will appear on Steam.

If you're eagerly awaiting The Outer Worlds to appear on your favorite digital storefront, go in with the right expectations. This is an RPG with a couple of interesting companions, unrewarding combat, and a kind of equivalent cynicism in moral choices that makes it hard to lose yourself in. As Tom Senior noted in his review of Outer Worlds, "There is a category of games that are like Saturday morning cartoons. It's not deep, but it's fluffy and easily enjoyable. When I look back at the screenshots of Pippin laser-ing the poor marauder to smithereens, I realize that's what The Outer Worlds is to me."

The Outer Worlds is a game about the "Outer Worlds" and the "Outer Worlds" is a game about the "Outer Worlds.

The Outer Worlds' first major DLC, Peril on Gorgon, was recently released and has a strong BioShock feel to it.
