Factorio's New Spider Robot with Attractive Extendable Legs

Factorio's New Spider Robot with Attractive Extendable Legs

Factorio closed Early Access yesterday with the 1.0 patch, ending four years of development. The developers added a giant mechanical spider robot that players can build and control at the end of the game. The spider-tron seems to use its eight legs to dynamically overcome obstacles and straddle gaps like the surface of the water. If you don't like spiders, skip to the bottom of the article.

You might want to watch this video first to see how they usually move. But the movement across the gap is next level, and Reddit user Kano96 has put together a great showcase of this animation.

I was mesmerized. There is a deeper mystery to the spider-tron. It takes a fish to make that crafting recipe. Is the fish the pilot? Is it an organic computer? No one knows. We do know that when the SpiderTron is destroyed, the fish will be unharmed.

Factorio is a vast game of building a huge logistics and factory network, one of the top 100 games you can play on PC right now.

If you don't like spiders, there is a mod for that. Enjoy flying saucers!
