Here is a preview of the final area of Torchlight 3.

Here is a preview of the final area of Torchlight 3.

Torchlight 3 has only recently launched in Early Access, but it is already quite playable, and it looks like more will be coming soon. Developer Echtra Games has released a trailer for Echonok, the last zone to be added. It is about two minutes long and has a rather stunning visual diversity, crossing mountain landscapes and underground cities to an ice cave inhabited by sinister birdmen. I love sinister birdmen.

Echonok is a mountain range inhabited by Torchlight's long extinct dwarves. The trailer shows that the dwarves were the master builders of much of the strange technology of this world. The halls are still inhabited by their creations, giant brass automatons. I like the little one with the blinking eyes and the propeller on the top. Also strange aliens called Vultura live in the mountains. They scavenge dwarven technology to enhance their mutated bodies and run things like chariots that grow monsters and machines that summon demons.

Here's the official developer description and trailer: be prepared for the dangers that await you in Echonok, the third and final area of Torchlight 3. In Echonok, you will be challenged to put an end to the Netherim invasion once and for all."

Echonok will be added to Torchlight 3 on June 30; Torchlight 3 was just released a few weeks ago. Chris Livingston dabbled with the game for a while and enjoyed the quirky character classes, but missed some of the features of the previous two games. Torchlight 3 is available on Steam.
