The Little Devil Inside is tailored to remove racist stereotypes.

The Little Devil Inside is tailored to remove racist stereotypes.

Little Devil Inside is a charming survival RPG that was Kickstarted in 2015 and recently unveiled at the PS5 unveiling event. From the new trailer, it looks like a very engaging adventure, but one of the enemy designs drew criticism.

The design in question is a mishmash of racist stereotypes, with the dark-skinned enemies all wearing loincloths, dreadlocks, and masks with big red lips. However, they do not appear in the final game.

The developer, Neostream Interactive, quickly responded to the criticism and laid out its plans for the changes in a Facebook post.

"Absolutely no racist stereotypes of any kind were intended," the developer wrote, "We were unaware of the stereotypical connotations and would like to apologize to anyone who was offended by the character design."

He claimed that no one inside or outside the studio had commented on the character design, but this is the first time it has been made publicly available. The design is by no means subtle, so it is wild to say that no one on the team noticed that this was an old stereotype.

Neostream wanted to create something like the Moana kakamora, but they apparently studied masks "from all cultures" and the design does not represent the actual group. However, it recognizes that it was off the mark and plans to implement four changes.

remove the dreadlocks, change the skin and lip color, and tweak the blow darts. They are also considering completely redesigning the design if the changes are not "appropriate for the game as a whole."

Little Devil Inside will be available not only on PC, but also on PS5 and current consoles, but no release date has been set yet.
