Artist of "Okami" Pitches Sequel to Capcom

Artist of "Okami" Pitches Sequel to Capcom

Former "Okami" artist to propose sequel project to Capcom: IGN Japan (via VGCN Japan) Former Tango Gameworks artist Ikumi Nakamura, who also worked on "The Evil Within" and "Ghostwire," was interviewed by IGN Japan: IGN Japan (via VGC).

Nakamura said that she is fairly certain that the project will become a reality and that she intends to propose the idea to Capcom "after the quarantine is over and the world is normal again."

"This is actually the project I most want to realize," Nakamura told IGN. As long as I pursue it, I feel like there's a pretty good chance that it will become a reality."

Nakamura also said that "I'd like to see Capcom and Capcom work together to make this a reality.

She also said it was important for Hideki Kamiya to be involved. Kamiya directed the original version in 2006 and is currently working with Platinum Games on "Project GG". In addition to the original "Resident Evil 2," Kamiya was the director of "Devil May Cry," "Bayonetta," and "Beautiful Joe."

Fortunately, Kamiya seems enthusiastic. He appeared in a video tweet posted by Nakamura in October. At the time, many considered the appearance (embedded below) to be trolling on Kamiya's behalf, but Kamiya is not averse to making fun of people online.

And fans have been pestering for a sequel to Okami for years. That's just as well, because the original, with its lush, painterly art style, is considered a classic Zelda: in his review of the HD remaster, Chris Schilling wrote that it was a "gorgeous, unforgettable adventure," albeit "sometimes unnervingly languid."
