Source Code for "Command & Conquer" Remaster Released to Support Mods

Source Code for "Command & Conquer" Remaster Released to Support Mods

With just two weeks to go until the release of the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, EA has finally revealed that it will include mod support at launch, something it has avoided thus far with developer Petroglyph EA went a step further, offering players access to the source code.

Producer Jim Vessella announced that TiberianDawn.dll and RedAlert.dll and their source code will be released under the GNU General Public License 3.0. So we expect to see some pretty wild projects. A map editor will also be available so they can create new battlefields for custom units and tailored gameplay. We envision some major overhauls in the future.

To get things rolling, Petroglyph has created a Brotherhood of Nod version of the mammoth tank. It should be available for test drives at launch. Maps and mods can be downloaded from the Steam Workshop or obtained from the in-game menu if you are using Origin.

LAN will be supported, but will not be ready for launch. Due to social distance issues, the LAN functionality could not be properly tested. According to Vessera, it is still a high priority, but he did not provide a timeframe for a fix.

The Command & Conquer Remastered Collection will be released on June 5.
