This modification gives Gerardt a daddy's body.

This modification gives Gerardt a daddy's body.

We are accustomed to using whatever words we use to describe adventurers as fully ripped, cut, jacked, or lean and muscular. But what about after the adventure is over? We've killed monsters, completed quests, collected collectibles, and even gotten the last lines out of the world's supporting characters. So what now?

It must be hard to keep up that physique, and if the hero's frantic pace slows, so must his metabolism. So if Geralt of Rivia eats a little extra mutton or pastries, or runs all over the continent and doesn't burn calories right away, it's natural for his weight to go up all over the place.

"Dad Bod Geralt," a mod for The Witcher 3 by HackerAxe, is now available. Now that the Wild Hunt is over, Geralt has a few extra curves. Why? In my opinion, more heroes should have attainable bodies. If I really start working out and maintaining a sensible diet, in a year or two I will probably look almost identical to the out-of-shape Geralt here. Maybe. Maybe.

The dad-shape Geralt mod is still a work in progress (in fact, this is HackerAxe's first mod), and future plans for updates include smoothing out the mesh and making items like Geralt's bath towel, weapon belt, armor, and shirt fit his curvy new dad-shape a We plan to make some adjustments to fit a bit better. You can get Geralt's new love handles at Nexus Mods.
