Someone is trying to kill Apex Legends' killer robot.

Someone is trying to kill Apex Legends' killer robot.

In January, Electronic Arts unveiled Forge, a new character in Apex Legends. Revenant has an interesting past: a former top-notch assassin, he was gradually turned into a nightmarish cyborg by Hammond Robotics.

He panicked and swore revenge on Hammond Robotics, killing many people, including the girl's father. She vowed revenge - to fight back - and now the wheels seem to be turning.

A close-up of the image of the tweet reveals what appears to be an email conversation between a couple of Hammond employees, presumably concerned about their long-term prospects. It appears to be from the pre-Revenant Apex era: the gist of the chat seems to be that they want to distance themselves from the "immortal killer robot" the company has created and need to figure out what to do with him since it is basically impossible to stop him.

Then, an inspiration strikes. One of them writes, "I wish there was a way to keep him busy while we keep an eye on him." It's too bad they don't know about the killing contests to hide the killer robots: ......."

What is really interesting, however, is the sticky note attached to the monitor, indicating Revenant's intense curiosity about the apparently inaccessible source code. It may seem odd that a young child could investigate so deeply, but according to the Apex Legends Wiki, Revenant is actually 313 years old, and his quest for revenge against Hammond actually began over 200 years ago. In other words, his rampage at the restaurant happened a long time ago, and that little girl may have now grown up and is trying to get even.

It is possible, but not very likely, that this new teaser is unrelated; the Apex Wiki also has a list of data-mined details about another as-yet unrevealed character named Loba, whose name translates from Portuguese to English as "wolf." The man killed in the Revenant's debut trailer (a con man and thief named Marcos Andrade, who was apparently targeted after stealing art from the wrong person) gave his daughter a wolf figurine just before he was killed. The donkey is described on Wiki as a "Translocating Thief" and the lore video for the upcoming "Stories from the Outland" to be released on April 30 is called "Legacy of a Thief."

Thanks, USGamer.
