Roundguard is a mix of Peggle and dungeon crawling roguelike.

Roundguard is a mix of Peggle and dungeon crawling roguelike.

Not since the outlandish alchemy of Peggle World of Warcraft Edition has anyone attempted the feat of merging a slingshot puzzle game with a fantasy adventure, much less a bragging roguelike. But here we are. Released on Steam this week, "Roundguard," a "bouncy dungeon crawler with pinball physics," looks like complete fun. The game was on display at conventions last year and won several awards, including PAX 10 and the Indie Megabooth Selection, and the Steam page includes a comment from PopCap co-founder Jason Kapalka: "It's like Peggle spawned Diablo! ! This is a terrible pun, but for once I'll forgive it.

The game literally throws one of several characters, each with their own special abilities and bootstraps, into a dungeon. In each round of the game, they progress from room to room in a long, vertical dungeon by shooting at enemies from their ballista, dealing damage, killing enemies, breaking pots, and scooping up potions. As they progress, quests arise, strategically guiding them to bosses and new loot.Roundguard can be checked out on Steam or at the official website.
