Bungie Announces Major Nerfs in Upcoming Destiny 2 Season

Bungie Announces Major Nerfs in Upcoming Destiny 2 Season

The latest This Week at Bungie update unfortunately does not reveal the name of Destiny 2's next season, but it does introduce some of the changes regarding weapons that will begin in March. While there doesn't seem to be any dramatic adjustments like the recently announced sword overhaul, it appears that various archetypes will receive "finer adjustments" for the new season's arrival, affecting aspects like damage values, range, and even reload cancels.

Sniper rifles, grenade launchers, shotguns, fusion rifles, and auto rifles will all be adjusted to varying degrees in the new season; the PvE damage boost given to sniper rifles in Shadowkeep "over melee ranged opponents advantage too much" and will be eliminated. Grenade launchers will also be toned down somewhat, and the "weirdness" in the shotgun and fusion rifle's aim assist that could actually cause unexpected misses will be eliminated.

Auto rifles have been adjusted with the goal of making them a bit more effective in Crucible, but this change will have an impact on PvE as well, with Bungie stating that "Due to the nature of Destiny's playstyle, semi-auto based weapons tend to be more effective in general, and this The adjustment compensates for that," he explained. It's a fairly modest change intended to give auto-rifles more of a chance in open battles without trying to lower the overall TTK of the game."

Several specific weapons have also been tweaked, most notably the Izanagi Burden: the Honed Edge's animation speed has also been changed so that it is no longer affected by the reload stat.

"Since the removal of the auto-reload effect from Rally Barricade and Lunafaction Boots and the introduction of catalysts to Izanagi's Burden, usage of Izanagi's Burden has increased significantly," Bungie stated. The Izanagi Burden has solidified its place in the majority of endgame builds due to its superior burst and sustained damage, ammo economy from its special ammo, and safety from being a sniper rifle." The Outlaw trait has been replaced with a weapon fantasy along the lines of the No Distractions were replaced with Distractions, allowing the weapon's characteristics to work on the Honed Edge as well.

Lord of Wolves will also be adjusted so that its hit rate is "significantly" reduced when the Release the Wolves perk is active." With this change, Release the Wolves should be used at extremely close range against large targets, rather than simply an improved version of its default behavior, "says Bungie. On the other hand, The Last Word, "made quite dominant by a very forgiving maximum kill time," is a bit harder to handle and requires a little more effort to actually aim if you want to hit what you are shooting at.

The changes will be implemented at the start of the next season, and according to Bungie, some of them are for Nightfall Strikes' new "Grandmaster" difficulty, which will be implemented later in the season. Details won't be revealed for a while yet, but that in itself is interesting news.

Officially, Destiny 2's next season remains a mystery, but according to the efforts of some enterprising data miners, it will be called "Season of the Worthy" and will begin on March 9 (Update: Also, the hardcore PvP mode " Trials of Osiris" is likely to return.
