U.S. Air Force Partners with ESL for Pro League Season 11 and IEM Events

U.S. Air Force Partners with ESL for Pro League Season 11 and IEM Events

Last week, ESL North America and Dreamhack announced that the U.S. Navy will be the "Official Festival Partner" for Dreamhack events in Anaheim and Dallas. This week, ESL announced a military partnership with the U.S. Air Force for the Intel Extreme Masters North America 2020 and ESL Pro League Season 11 series.

The partnership also includes Anykey, "an advocacy group that supports diversity, inclusion, and equity in the competitive game," and Anykey will work with the Air Force later this year to recognize community efforts that support diversity and inclusion, plans to launch a Changemaker program that will provide funding. [We are honored to have the U.S. Air Force as our first official U.S. military partner in ESL tournaments and leagues," said Paul Brewer, Senior Vice President of ESL Brand Partnerships.

"We continue to partner with organizations that share ESL's values, and as supporters of AnyKey, we are especially excited to work with the U.S. Air Force to combat toxicity in the game and promote awareness of diversity and inclusion in esports.

As the Navy does with its Dreamhack events, the Air Force will run on-site content at live events, which will be integrated into live-streamed Pro League events. Timeouts at Pro League and IEM events will also be officially sponsored by "Air Force Tactical Timeouts."

"This partnership provides the perfect platform to raise public awareness about the Air Force and the many opportunities we serve. The Air Force has a lot in common with gamers, especially the intellectual challenge that both provide. The Air Force and ESL also very much value integrity, which is a core value for each of us. [This partnership demonstrates] the commonalities of teamwork, skill, and respect. It shows how young Americans can turn their gaming hobbies and interests into a career in the Air Force."

I expressed some concern about the presence of aggressive recruiting efforts at esports events when the partnership between Dreamhack and the Navy was announced, and I express it again here. The Army, Navy, and Air Force sponsor NASCAR drivers, military personnel carry flags during the national anthem, and the halftime flyover is a hot shout from the sky to show us that death can come without warning at any moment. It's not necessarily an alarming situation, but it is something to pay attention to.

The ESL Pro League Season 11 partnership with the U.S. Air Force begins March 16.
