Free DLC for "Sword Dance-ONLINE-" triples the expected volume.

Free DLC for "Sword Dance-ONLINE-" triples the expected volume.

When I last checked "Sword Dance-ONLINE-" last year, they had just added an important update: the ability to pet cats. That was nice. Since then, it's been a fairly quiet period for Katana Zero developer askisoft, as they've been working on another game. They took to Twitter to announce that the expansion DLC for this game is still on schedule and will be free. This is frankly a good thing, because "Katana Zero" was good, and we're looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us.

Our own Lauren Morton liked the action and flexibility of the samurai timeslot quite a bit, giving "Katana Zero" a 79 in her review. She wrote, "Instead, it requires you to actually learn the few abilities at your disposal and come up with your own unique combinations that, when replayed in real time at the end of each level, make you feel more like a badass than any predetermined finishing move.

Askiisoft followed up the tweet by announcing the release of the Katana Zero soundtrack on Vinyl; you can read more about Katana Zero on its official website and purchase it for $15 on Steam, Humble and GOG.
