Activision Blizzard games have been removed from GeForce Now.

Activision Blizzard games have been removed from GeForce Now.

Nvidia's GeForce Now made a big splash last week. This game streaming service has Google Stadia beat by a wide margin for its value, and some of its features are great. But if you cherished this platform's collection of Activision and Blizzard titles, you were out of luck.

An Nvidia spokesperson wrote on the GeForce Now forums that the Activision Blizzard game library, which includes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Overwatch, Diablo 3, and more, have been removed at Activision's request. [As we take GeForce NOW to the next step in its evolution, we have worked with publishers to include a strong catalog of your PC games.

"This means that, like all digital service providers, we have to continually add new games and sometimes remove games.

"Please be advised that at their request, Activision Blizzard games will be removed from the service. While this is unfortunate, we look forward to working with Activision Blizzard to make these and other games available again in the future. In addition to the hundreds of games currently supported, there are over 1,500 games that developers have requested to be added to the service. Stay tuned for weekly updates on new games to be added."

[6 [It is certainly not unusual for titles to be added or removed from subscription-based services. But to have a publisher's entire catalog removed just one week after the platform's launch is ...... It is certainly unusual. My only guess is that Activision Blizzard must be unhappy with the terms of their contract with Nvidia. In any case, this continues the trend seen in various stores and services over the last year of games suddenly disappearing, one of the perennial drawbacks of digital distribution.
