Sales of "Red Dead Redemption 2" and "GTA 5" exceed $150 million.

Sales of "Red Dead Redemption 2" and "GTA 5" exceed $150 million.

Rockstar has already bragged a bit about the continued success of "GTA 5" and "Red Dead Redemption 2," especially the online component, and now Take-Two has provided some more numbers to back it up.

The publisher announced on its recent quarterly earnings call that sales of "GTA 5" have exceeded expectations despite entering its seventh year, with lifetime sales exceeding 120 million units; you might think that everyone who wants GTA 5 already has it, but that's not the case; last year, an additional 20 million people got their hands on GTA5.

The arrival of Diamond Casino has given a boost to GTA Online, which has been on a roll in recent months; GTA Online is busier and more lucrative for Take-Two and Rockstar at an age when other online games have fallen off.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a lot of catching up to do, but the PC version has been a huge hit and now boasts sales of over 29 million units, nearly doubling the sales of its predecessor. Red Dead Online had its twists and turns when it first launched on consoles, but Rockstar has since made it more interesting, and Take-Two says it is "gaining momentum."

Cowboys seem to be spending a lot, with microtransactions exceeding publishers' expectations. And the cowboy population is growing, setting a new record in December and again in January. This is thanks to the "Moonshiner" update, but the game's first festive event and numerous free items were definitely a boost.

Combined sales of more than 150 million copies were recorded, but the overall situation for Take-Two was not as rosy. Despite the release of "Borderlands 3" and "Outer Worlds" last year, quarterly revenues were down, and the announcement that Rockstar co-founder Dan Hauser would be leaving the company seemed to unsettle investors, causing the stock price to fall. Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick said Hauser has been on leave since last spring and no other departures are planned, while Sam Hauser will stay on.
