The DDOS attack has left many EVE Online players offline for nine days.

The DDOS attack has left many EVE Online players offline for nine days.

EVE Online has not yet gone EVE Offline, but for many players in the US time zone, it could very well. Those players who have managed to log in have been unable to use most of the in-game chat services. Many players are unable to even log in, displaying an "unable to login" screen.According to CCP Games, these two issues, as well as lag and disconnect errors for players who were able to connect, are still ongoing, with no word yet on when they will be resolved.

DDOS attacks and downtime are bad news for any MMO, but especially bad news for EVE Online with its complex player-driven economy. While players in some parts of the world can log in without issue and are unaffected, players in other parts of the world may be cut off for a week or more. The U.S. seems to be particularly affected, but posters in the problem thread on the EVE forum have reported lag and broken chat from as far away as Australia and Africa.

"This is harsh on people trying to defend or fuel their buildings and is not experienced evenly throughout the EVE universe," says Player Carneros, CEO of The Bastion Alliance.

"It is having some lasting effects that will be very difficult for CCP's game masters to undo in any way."

Frustrated players on Reddit have talked about canceling their accounts and demanded compensation for not being able to log in for days. However, as Carneros points out, the impact of some players being cut off has potentially cost far more than a one-week subscription.

"We are currently fighting a regional invasion with (to put it lightly) extreme handicaps. We are unable to properly defend or counter hostilities, which is critical in the early stages of a conflict," says player Lord's Servant, co-leader of the Forsaken Empire." Hostile forces were able to put down roots in our region in a week because we could hardly log in and fight as we normally would."

Lord's Servant detailed the impact of DDOS in a lengthy reddit post, noting how damaging it was to smaller alliances and pointed out how damaging it would be to smaller alliances. Many members were unable to log in to join the fight, losing ground they could have easily defended.

"This is a problem we have no control over," they elaborated, "and no matter how much ISK, in-game skills, and mechanics we use, if we can't log in or play the game in a reasonable state, nothing will get done." We have tried everything we can do in-game."

Some players speculate that the problem is not due to the DDOS attack itself (it is unclear if it is still ongoing), but to the mitigation services used to prevent DDOS from crashing the server completely. Many people have successfully logged in using VPNs set up in areas outside the US. Whether or not the attack is still in full swing, players on Tuesday are experiencing the same range of problems, severe lag and broken in-game chat, even if they are able to log in.

"We are working closely with our partners to improve the overall situation for everyone affected. Please continue to report back to us," the latest tweet from EVE Status reads.

Of course, it wouldn't be EVE without a theory that this entire incident is part of someone's master plan." Time for a tinfoil hat, maybe because the Russian group is the one behind the DDOS and they want some easy sov," one Redditor wrote. Others point to a Chinese plot to prevent the spread of information about Wuhan and the coronavirus. Whether or not they can play the game, EVE pilots remain online.
