Friction Games, the developer of Amnesia, has teased its next project in the ARG.

Friction Games, the developer of Amnesia, has teased its next project in the ARG.

A few weeks ago, Frictional Games, the developer of "Amnesia," began teasing something on its website that had been dormant for four years. Since then, its neurons have grown and transformed into something like cells, still pulsating. Now, it has undergone another change and started another ARG.

The cells are now embryos, seemingly human-like, but the site has another new addition, discovered by ResetEra's Foxnull, which includes an eye-shaped disturber in the social media icon. Clicking on it does nothing, but hovering over it reveals part of a YouTube URL.

Here's what it evokes:

An old record of some rocks and a strange symbol scribbled in blue chalk on a videocassette taken on February 16, 1983, with text saying it was from a private collection. It concludes, "The mark is Shetope, KSSR," an acronym for the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, now the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shept, on the other hand, is a village in Kazakhstan.

Friction also hides a second URL on its site and publishes another YouTube video.

This appears to be a leftover from an experiment that was deemed a "partial success." There is only audio, but it sounds very ominous. There is a buzz of electricity, then an inhuman wail, and thankfully it ends. The text suggests that someone was experimenting with an artifact known as the "Triple Crown," but no further details are available.

So! Embryos, strange artifacts, and Kazakhstan. There is still not much in common, except that all the trailers exude a sense of unease. There is a slight "Control" vibe, with experiments and strange objects, but Friction has yet to reveal much.

Take a look for yourself and see if you can find more clues.
