Take the "Diablo or Bob Ross?" Blizzard Quiz!

Take the "Diablo or Bob Ross?" Blizzard Quiz!

Update: Dan 'Shoe' Hsu has posted the answers to the quiz!

Original Story Dan 'Shoe' Hsu, Blizzard's Senior Director and Editor-in-Chief, has posted a fun Blizzard internal quiz on his Twitter feed. The quiz presents a series of quotes and simply asks: is it Bob Ross or Diablo?

According to Hsu, "(A team in our department at Blizzard created this for a holiday party activity.) #blizzlife."

Some are obvious. I don't think Bob Ross had any reason to gesture at his semi-finished work and say, "This dark hallway is painted with the dried blood of Leo Rick's subjects." The tree quote is even more ambiguous. One can imagine Bob Ross muttering under his breath, "The tree covers a multitude of sins," ominously, in a change from his usual affable demeanor.

Hsu has not yet posted the answer to the quiz, but I will do so here for our enjoyment.
