This Nvidia hotfix addresses crashes in The Witcher 3 and Modern Warfare.

This Nvidia hotfix addresses crashes in The Witcher 3 and Modern Warfare.

Nvidia has released a "hotfix" GPU driver (version 442.01) to address three bugs affecting some GeForce setups.

I'm not sure which specific cutscene Nvidia is referring to, but if you are experiencing crashing problems with the "Blood and Wine" extension, it's worth installing the hotfixes and keeping your fingers crossed.

The hotfix also addresses an issue related to streaming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare; according to Nvidia, some GeForce setups randomly stop when streaming gameplay using OBS This is a problem that has been addressed in this hotfix. This hotfix is supposed to cut that annoying behavior.

Finally, the 442.01 release addresses "minor stuttering" in SLI setups combined with G-Sync. In most cases, we do not recommend investing in SLI (or Crossfire), as support for multi-GPU setups has declined in recent years. However, if you are already using SLI, this hotfix may help.

This hotfix must be downloaded and installed manually. So if you have already installed the GeForce 441.87 driver, the utility will claim that you are running the latest build.
