Ubisoft has made changes to make the game feel more unique.

Ubisoft has made changes to make the game feel more unique.

In an article last year, Rick Lane asserted that "not every Ubisoft game has to be an Ubisoft game"; Ubisoft has basically released the same game again, only with additional systems scavenged from other projects that Breakpoint's They just clumsily attached them to the head. They included the conversation system from "Assassin's Creed" and the loot system from "The Division.

All of Ubisoft's open-world games are similar, and the disappointing sales of "Breakpoint" and "The Division 2," two of Ubisoft's more important 2019 releases, are the reason for this, VGC's exclusive According to the article, the company's editorial team is being revamped to differentiate Ubisoft's upcoming games.

The editorial team is a group of Paris-based designers and producers whose advice has been blamed for pushing Ubisoft's big-budget games toward a similar focus on open worlds with icon-filled maps and online features, and according to VGC According to the VGC, "The narrative insisted on having a thematic basis in the real world, but avoided taking a political stance.

Reorganizing and expanding the editorial team was Ubisoft's proposed solution, with each vice president assigned only one franchise to oversee and given more autonomy to chart their own course.

VGC adds that as part of this process, one game in development at Ubisoft Montreal has been cancelled and several others are being "reworked" to make each game feel unique.
