This Darkest Dungeon D&D style monster manual is excellent.

This Darkest Dungeon D&D style monster manual is excellent.
[The D&D sourcebook and monster manual are among the greatest treasures in my gaming cupboard.

Dungeon Master Tuz has created his own content and monsters for D&D 5th edition, check out their Patreon.

This manual looks exactly like the D&D book, but replaces the elves and bugbears with Darkest Dungeon villains, bandits, and more. The elves and bugbears are replaced with the villains, bandits, and other miscreants from the Darkest Dungeon. Along with the game art, each entry also contains a chunk of lore, a D&D-style status box, and the occasional special rules.

Tuz has been working on this manual for nearly a year and may continue this series if people are interested. It is designed for low-level characters, so if you like to start fresh with a new game and don't mind being attacked by an eldritch nightmare, bring this manual to your next game night.
