Failbetter's next game "is going to be very different" from "Sunless Sea" and "Sunless Skies".

Failbetter's next game "is going to be very different" from "Sunless Sea" and "Sunless Skies".

Fallen London, the browser game that spawned Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies, is celebrating its 10th anniversary of weirdness and great prose. Given the declining popularity of browser games and the difficulty of making them profitable, this is a major accomplishment. In addition to concluding the long-running Ambition storyline, the Failbetter team held an AMA that hinted at the future of the series.

While Failbetter is not ready to talk in detail about its next project, CEO Adam Myers revealed that the studio will likely make significant changes to the way it plays over the next few years.

"I can't say too much about future games right now, but at least some of the next ones we make are going to play quite differently than 'FL,' 'Sunless Sea,' and 'Skies. And, of course, they will still have rich narratives with many choices and consequences."

The latest "Sunless Skies" takes place after people have been whisked off into space on an improbable space-traveling locomotive, but the browser game hasn't reached that era yet. However, that era has not yet been reached, and it is undecided how the Victorian space age will affect the game.

"The timeline of Sunless Skies is a possible future for the universe," says communications director Hannah Flynn.

"Right now, we don't know exactly what things will be like in 1905 in the game, but we're not worried about rewriting the whole thing to be set in space. Unless we have to be Mercy! To Mine!"

This reminds me of a loopy poet whose life has been on pause for over a year, maybe two.
