Boy playing online games in the U.K. saved by Texas friend

Boy playing online games in the U.K. saved by Texas friend

Sky News reports on British teen Aidan Jackson, who suffered a seizure while playing an online game. His multiplayer buddy, 20-year-old Dia Lasora, was in Texas, about 5,000 miles away, and noticed signs of a seizure. Jackson had just said he felt strange and lay in bed for a while, first turning the microphone so he could continue communicating. Lasora called the police in Jackson's native Cheshire and quickly and nervously informed them of the situation. Jackson's parents sat downstairs, unaware of anything until two police officers and an ambulance showed up.

On a personal note, I want to congratulate Ian on his excellent setup. I'm a fan of the MasterBox Lite he uses. The desk is beautiful and the RGB is tasteful. He also has pop filters on his mics.

For the full Sky News report, including testimony from Jackson's mother:
