The "Rune 2" patch is finally here, although legal problems continue.

The "Rune 2" patch is finally here, although legal problems continue.

The November launch of the action RPG Rune 2 was strange, to say the least: the day after its release on the Epic Games store, developer Human Head Studios closed its doors, only to be reopened the same day by Bethesda-owned Roundhouse Studios.

Ragnarok, the publisher of Rune 2, was left holding the bag, but the bag was empty: in a lawsuit filed in December, Ragnarok claimed that Human Head refused to hand over the assets and source code for Rune 2, and thus could not deliver the promised updates. Rune 2 assets and source code.

But the dispute may have taken a step toward resolution today. Ragnarok revealed earlier this week that it received a hard disk containing the source code and other assets for Rune 2 and is in the process of verifying that it is complete. [We are currently building, testing, and staging environments, and once we are sure that we have a complete build of the current version of Rune 2 (.12L), we will begin working on patches to address critical issues, bugs, and optimizations that have been reported over the last month and a half," Laguna said. As always, thanks for being a fan of Rune 2."

While it is good news for fans of the game that the update is finally happening, legal action between Ragnarok and Human Head still remains despite the return of game assets. 'Right now, the Ragnarok Game LLC team's top priority is to support Rune 2 and assess whether or not all of Ragnarok's assets have been returned. Nothing has been resolved on the legal front."

Ragnarok is seeking the return of the development costs of Rune 2, along with the return of the games it apparently now owns, and at least $100 million in damages.
