Hearthstone's "Forbidden Library" Update Brings Parties to Battlegrounds, More

Hearthstone's "Forbidden Library" Update Brings Parties to Battlegrounds, More

Later this month, Hearthstone will deliver three weeks' worth of new information on the theme of the recent "Scholomance Academy" expansion. Called "The Forbidden Library," it will begin on September 8 with the addition of parties to the popular "Battlegrounds" mode. This is an Autobattler-inspired mode that, as our own Tim Clark sums it up, "creates a high-synergy army of idiots and forces them to fight random battles against seven other players until their strength is reduced to zero."

The upcoming Battlegrounds will allow you to invite all of your friends; groups of up to four players will be invited to the ranked Battlegrounds, while groups of five to eight players will automatically be invited to the private lobby. Three new heroes will also be added to the Battlegrounds at the same time: Lord Barov, a professor at the Scholomance Academy; Jandice Barov; and Forest Warden Omu.

Lord Barov's friendly wager ability costs 1 and asks you to guess which player will win the next battle. If he hits, he gains 3 coins. Jandis Balov's "Swap Rock and Shop It" ability costs 0 and allows her to swap a random minion for a non-Golden friendly minion in Bob's Tavern. Forest Warden Omu, on the other hand, has a passive that gains 2 Gold after upgrading Bob's Tavern, but only for that turn.

On September 15, a free solo adventure telling the origin story of Jaina Proudmoore will be available. Completing it will earn you one Mage Pack, which is frankly a bit stingy, containing only standard Mage cards. The single-player adventure is part of the "Book of Heroes" series, which over the next year will tell the stories of Hearthstone's 10 core heroes.

Finally, Heroic Brawliseum will be available on September 23. In this barroom brawl, players build a deck, are matched with other brawlers, and play one match after another until they lose 3 or win 12, with more rewards the more they win. Sounds like a library brawl, which is probably why it's banned. The entry fee is 1000 gold, or $9.99.

In addition, the Scholar Jaina bundle, which includes the Scholar Jaina hero skin and five Mage Packs, will be available from September 12 through September 22, and from September 22 through September 29, the 2017 Season 39 season rewards, Magic of Dalaran card backs will again be on sale.

Meet Scholar Jaina and the new Battlegrounds heroes.

In addition to this limited-time event, a patch will also be available. Pack leader minions will have their attack power reduced from 3 to 2, and the same goes for summons. The following nerfs and buffs are also planned.

The full 18.2 patch notes can be found on blizzard.com.
