Adventure Game "The Last Campfire" Released by Hello Games

Adventure Game "The Last Campfire" Released by Hello Games

We hadn't heard much about "No Man's Sky" developer Hello Games' new adventure game, "The Last Campfire," since we saw a trailer for it at the PC Gaming Show in June.

But we're talking about Hello Games, and they love surprises. We just learned yesterday that the game was about to be released, and today it actually did; The Last Campfire is available for $15 on the Epic Games Store. The launch trailer can be viewed above.

In The Last Campfire, you play as Ember, a cute hooded being "searching for meaning and a way home" in a mysterious and beautiful world. Don't expect this single-player puzzle adventure to rival the scale of No Man's Sky.

The Last Campfire also has a Steam page, where the release date is listed as 2020, but Hello Games has not confirmed a timed exclusivity period on the Epic Store. We'll update when we hear more. Until then, enjoy the lovely screenshots below.
