D&D's popular tabletop campaign "Curse of Strahd" is reborn as "Curse of Strahd.

D&D's popular tabletop campaign "Curse of Strahd" is reborn as "Curse of Strahd.

Whenever the best Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure is discussed, the gothic fantasy campaign Curse of Strahd tops the list: an update to the 1983 classic adventure called Ravenloft, an update to the Barovian Cursed Land and its vampire ruler, Count Strahd von Zarovich (also featured in the 1994 video game "Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession").

Wizards of the Coast is well aware of the popularity of "Strahd's Curse" and will be releasing a reprint in time for Halloween. This lavish premium edition will be a coffin-shaped boxed set that includes a deck of Tarokka cards, a 20-page booklet describing the adventure's monsters, a DM screen, a double-sided poster map, and 12 regional postcards. The centerpiece is the well-known adventure itself, which has been revised as part of WotC's move away from depictions of racial stereotypes; according to a WotC press release, "The adventure includes the latest errata and is a mission of the Dungeons & Dragons team, In keeping with our mission to be as welcoming and inclusive as possible, the portrayal of the Vistani has been revised."

One of the benefits of the 5th edition's popularity is that fan-made supplements can be easily found by Googling and are available at DM's Guild. I had fun playing a 1980s-themed one-shot called "Weekend at Strahd's," and there is also an adventure designed to flesh out "Real Housewives of Ravenloft," a "Curse of Strahd."

"Curse of Strahd Revamped" will be released on October 20.
