MacVenture-style Spectacle is a free adventure game.

MacVenture-style Spectacle is a free adventure game.

Following the impressive free adventure game "Infested," which is styled like an NES port of an old MacVenture adventure game, comes GrahfMetal's "Spectacle." It's more engaging, bigger, more ambitious-looking, and drops you into a fantasy world of puzzles, NPCs, and, quite often, grisly deaths.

That said, don't let up. (And those unexpected endings are part of the fun, too.) The spectacle also captures some of the whimsical and playful spirit of the Infocom games, as far as I have yet to play a few. I look forward to playing it properly.

When I do, I can expect over 100 screens, time-based puzzle mechanics, and "dungeons whose layout is randomized each time you enter or die," says the page. It's a nostalgic adventure for free.

Spectacle can be downloaded from
