Weaving Tides is a gorgeous knitting adventure with a free demo.

Weaving Tides is a gorgeous knitting adventure with a free demo.

Weaving Tides is an adventure puzzle game set in a world that seems to be made of cloth and textiles. Riding on the back of a flying dragon, players can explore a mysterious textile landscape while solving puzzles using a variety of sewing techniques.

The developer, Follow the Feathers, has launched a Kickstarter seeking $18,000 / £15,000 / by the end of May and has released a short demo on Itch.io as part of the campaign. In this demo, a dragon uses its weaving abilities to fly around the world and repair rifts in the world.

The user controls the dragon and uses the space bar to fly between the top and bottom of the woven landscape. As it moves between layers, its tail acts as a thread, stitching the landscape together. Jumping and swooping between layers is smooth and fun, and your newfound understanding of this stitching technique will lead you to solve numerous weaving puzzles.

A short but engaging demo, I am curious to see how this weaving mechanic will be used in the rest of the game. The portraits of the characters are elaborate, and the themes of weaving and sewing fit nicely into the magical world.

Pledges for digital copies of Weaving Tides start at $18/£15 and increase from there. For more information on development and the future of the game, check out the game's Kickstarter page.
