Doom Eternal" can get 1000 fps as long as you have the hardware.

Doom Eternal" can get 1000 fps as long as you have the hardware.

In the days of Quake and Quake 2 (there may have been others, but this is the one I was playing), it was common for players to minimize graphics settings to maximize frame rates. After all, speed is everything in online gaming. If you could maintain a solid 30 fps while bullets flew and bombs exploded, you were a real hero on the id Software forums.

Things have changed somewhat since the distant past, when players had to use console commands to break Quake's frame rate cap. id Software's lead engine programmer, Billy Kahn, told IGN that id Tech 7 engine was dramatically overhauled for Doom Eternal, allowing for "bigger explosions, more vibrant looking particle effects," and "more frames per second moving from monitor to eyeball."

"In id Tech 6, we upped it to a maximum of 250 frames per second. In this game, if the hardware is right, we can achieve 1000 frames per second. That's the limit," Khan says in the video. [And there really is no upper limit. With the hardware we built locally for testing, we had some scenes running at 400 frames per second. So for those of you who have 144 Hz monitors, or even newer monitors that may come out, this game will hold up for years and give you a really great opportunity to take advantage of that hardware."

Does this mean that it is finally time to stop asking if Crysis will work? I'm thinking probably not - I'm a real stickler for tradition, but I don't care what a game running at 1000 fps actually looks like, we'll see again in 10 years.

Doom Eternal comes out March 20, and this is what it looks like in 4K.
