Watch 12 minutes of Doom Eternal's "Battle Mode" multiplayer combat.

Watch 12 minutes of Doom Eternal's "Battle Mode" multiplayer combat.

Doom Eternal's new multiplayer mode Battlemode was unveiled last year as a 2vs1 showdown with one player as the Doomslayer and the other two players working together as demons. Today, IGN released a 12-minute video detailing how the asymmetrical mode actually works.

"It's a skill against teamwork and tactics," said game director Hugo Martin in the video. 'The devil is teamwork and tactics, the slayer is skill. It's a cat and mouse game. Definitely the slayer is the cat, and the demon is a huge creature with a rocket in its hand, but definitely a mouse."

The basics are simple: the demon must kill the doomslayer, and the doomslayer tries to kill the demon. The doomslayer comes into battle fully equipped, which is convenient, but the demons that are killed will resurrect as long as their partner is still alive, so once one is down, the second must be killed quickly. Demons have special abilities, such as the ability to spawn other enemies, but Doomslayer can, somewhat ironically, use stealth to defeat his enemies. The demon can see the outline of the Doomslayer through the wall as long as at least one of them is looking at the Doomslayer, but if both of them block the line of sight, the outline disappears and the demon can sneak away to another vantage point.

Interestingly, Battle Mode will be Doom Eternal's "primary multiplayer mode," with no "traditional multiplayer mode." Executive producer Marty Stratton told IGN last year that id Software opted for a new approach to multiplayer after the "more traditional" modes in the 2016 reboot failed to catch fire.

"We did a little bit of this and a little bit of that in the multiplayer [of the Doom reboot], but it was clear to the fans and to us that that was not what we wanted to do," Stratton said.

"We developed Doom: Eternal's multiplayer in-house and focused on making the best multiplayer we could, so it feels like Doom, but you're playing with a friend.

Doom Eternal will be released on March 20.
