The dreaded goose lives on your desktop and steals your cursor.

The dreaded goose lives on your desktop and steals your cursor.

The geese have never played a prank on me, but I have heard stories of my northern cousins crying because of the Canada geese's mud stick headbutt.

Now, thanks to a VR developer calling himself Samperson, geese can steal your cousin's mouse cursor too.Inspired by the birds in Untitled Goose Game and SkateBird, he has developed a little program that adds goose enemies to your Windows desktop developed a small program that adds animation. This orange-beaked criminal waddles around the screen, steals the mouse cursor, drags the Untitled Goose Game meme into view, and gets angry when you close it.

He continues to chirp and steal the cursor even as I try to write this.

Desktop Goose is available for a fee at After downloading it, Chrome warned me that this file is not common and may be dangerous. It does so automatically for archives and executables that are not widely downloaded, but in this case the warning is accurate. The goose hates you. [While it's hard to avoid goose attacks, Desktop Goose made me feel a little nostalgic for the virtual desktop pets that were once more prolific, such as the Bad Dog screensaver from After Dark and the various shareware that inhabited Windows desktops in the 90s and 2000s. and the various shareware pets that inhabited the Windows desktop in the 90s and 2000s. I miss those anti-efficiency programs.

You can see more of Samperson's work on Twitter, and he has a Pateron page where he shares early builds of the project with his subscribers.
