Rush Grotto is a cute, fast-paced, free dungeon crawler.

Rush Grotto is a cute, fast-paced, free dungeon crawler.

If you want to rush into a dungeon but only have a few minutes to spare, consider Rush Grotto: very fast-paced, probably the fastest paced rogue dungeon crawler you can play for free in your browser.

The word rush is appropriate because there is an amazing timer that counts down between every action. When the timer empties, you die, so choose actions that are possible in only a few seconds. These actions are dealt out, seemingly at random, as action cards at the bottom of the screen, and include walking, attacking, blocking, and drinking up health potions. While it is a bit odd to have to walk, walk, walk, walk between enemy encounters and traps, the game quickly picks up as each dungeon floor throws up more and more complex placements.

The game has a simple art style, but it pops as you play thanks to pleasantly boingy visual effects. How far will you get before hasty decisions and poor time management skills unravel you? Stick your head in the Rush Grotto and find out.

Check out our roundup of the best free PC games for other great free experiences.
