New "Fallout 76" Westlanders Screenshot Proves Raiders' Cool Base

New "Fallout 76" Westlanders Screenshot Proves Raiders' Cool Base

Where would you rather live? In a brown wooden settlement on Spruce Knob or in the wreckage of a huge crashed space station? Seems like the obvious choice. A space station, please! Even a space station that is no longer in space is cooler than anything on earth.

Today Bethesda revealed a few more details about the "Fallout 76 Wastelanders" update. The update will (eventually) add human NPCs, branching dialogue, and a reputation system to the game. They are former union members from Washington, D.C., who are driving stakes into Spruce Knob and building an outpost called the Foundation.

"The settlers may know their way around construction equipment, but they don't know what challenges you and others have faced in Appalachia over the past year. It might be mutually beneficial to seek them out, share your experiences, and lend a hand in their efforts."


The Foundation is in a nice location in the Savage Divide area, and Settler's base looks, well, pretty nice! There's even a sign. It looks like a moderately priced furniture store that sells a lot of wicker.

But even this nice little glimpse of the Foundation doesn't change my mind. Personally, I will be heading straight for the base of the other major faction of the "Westlanders", the Raiders who occupy the crashed Valiant 1 space station in the Toxic Valley area. The Foundations are no comparison.

"They have set up a rather formidable base of operations on the crashed space station they call "The Crater" and outsiders who drop in unannounced will not receive a warm welcome." If you are looking to arrange an introduction to Meg and her gang, you will need to be crafty."

One does not simply walk into a crater, it seems. There are bouncers, there is a guest list, there are mysterious owners, there is barbed wire instead of velvet rope, and the bouncers are cannibals.

"In both Foundation and Crater, you will find completely revamped places to explore, new vendors to trade with, craft areas, and plenty of people to talk to. However, your interactions with those people will depend on your reputation with them and how they view you."

Bethesda said some details about its reputation system will be next week.
