Try Arma 3 for free for 4 days on Steam

Try Arma 3 for free for 4 days on Steam

Arma 3 is one of the best FPS games on the PC. No jetpacks, no two-step jumps, just tactical, team-based military combat on the ground. If you haven't tried it yet, it's available for free on Steam for four days until January 19.

If you're hooked on this game, it's also very cheap right now: 70% off the base game and up to 66% off DLC packs. A little scene-setting trailer is embedded below.

The game has grown a lot since its 2013 release, which Evan expressed praise for in his review." Even the modular inventory system created little rituals in co-op. "Sometimes, like some sort of weird mother commander, I inspect their backpacks to make sure they are keeping enough C4 and medikits. At times like this, I realize that a large part of Arma's realism is not there for realism's sake."
