Sony to Skip E3 2020

Sony to Skip E3 2020

Sony will skip E3 for the second year in a row, the PlayStation company indicated in a statement sent to that it feels its "vision for E3 2020" does not fit its focus this year.

"After a thorough evaluation, SEE (Sony Interactive Entertainment) has decided not to participate in E3 2020." We have great respect for ESA as an organization, but do not feel that their vision for E3 2020 is the right venue for what we are focusing on this year."

Instead, Sony will attend "hundreds of consumer events around the world."

With PlayStation 5 launching later this year, Sony will likely hold a large press conference dedicated to it, as well as the usual State of Play live stream Highly likely. [Publishers like Activision and Electronic Arts have scaled back their appearances in recent years, eschewing a large venue presence, but Sony's press conference was conspicuous by its absence.

Update: ...... And in case you thought there might be a mass exodus of consoles from E3 2020, Microsoft will definitely be in attendance:

