Category : Action

Microsoft makes recall feature optional for Co-Pilot PCs that have "heard a clear signal".

Microsoft makes recall feature optional for Co-Pilot PCs that have "heard a clear signal".

It has only been a little over a month since Microsoft announced Recall, a new feature for its AI PC, Copilot+. The idea behind this AI tool was to al...

Powercolor's Edge AI aims to significantly reduce GPU power consumption without a significant hit to frame rates

Powercolor's Edge AI aims to significantly reduce GPU power consumption without a significant hit to frame rates

Many PC enthusiasts dislike the fact that top-of-the-line top-end GPUs consume large amounts of power and are experimenting with all manner of ways to...

The age of cattle and chickens in Farming Sims is over and I'm replacing livestock with Yokai Seikyu in the story

The age of cattle and chickens in Farming Sims is over and I'm replacing livestock with Yokai Seikyu in the story

The story of Fantasy Farming Simulator Seikyu deviates from the traditional formula of breeding cows, chickens and sheep and puts you in the world of ...

Our second appearance in the border film starts with a Claptrap poo bullet and goes downhill from there

Our second appearance in the border film starts with a Claptrap poo bullet and goes downhill from there

I don't know who out there was excited for a borderline movie, but boy Howdy, this is a rough one. After the so-so first trailer on May 2, the new pre...

Fallout 76 will finally be available to play as a ghoul: "It's going to be a different style of play, I'm really excited to see it."

Fallout 76 will finally be available to play as a ghoul: "It's going to be a different style of play, I'm really excited to see it."

The prospect of playing as a Ghoul has lured players since they first turned to these decrepit, nose-free creatures in the first fallout. The series h...

The full campaign co-op will soon arrive as a free bonus for one of Devolver's biggest hits

The full campaign co-op will soon arrive as a free bonus for one of Devolver's biggest hits

The cult of lamb is to make friends, but it may be due to forming a cult full of forest creatures, but it makes it healthy I have a great little team ...

Don't wait to play the demo while you wait, a game that has a lot to do while you wait

Don't wait to play the demo while you wait, a game that has a lot to do while you wait

According to a website fact I've never heard of, the average person spends about 5 years of their life waiting in line. five years! Other sites I've n...

Developers vs Multi say that the in-game option to buy more lives with real money was a "bug"

Developers vs Multi say that the in-game option to buy more lives with real money was a "bug"

The option that the makers of MultiVersus give players the ability to buy more lives with real money during campaign missions is actually a "bug" and ...